Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

encode, decode, transcode, dog Kot (ha ha... not funny, even if you are german...)

Yesterday I stumbled across a failing test because of this
assert('Susi Sorglos lebt ein schönes Leben' =~ /lebt/,'Ja, Susi lebt :)')
This passed before I went from cygwin to Ubuntu. Why?

Once again the "bible" helped me. It's all about encoding! Ruby 1.9 introduced much more consequent encoding/transcoding/... and when going from cygwin to ruby I went from 1.8 to 1.9. Wanna re-read the encoding/transcoding/... stuff? Start with p92 and then goto chapter 17, p251

Bottom line for me. As long as I consider myself ruby noob I will only use ASCII.

I still have 130 pages to go until I reach chapter 17 (hmmmm... What about inventing ruby skill levels? Simiar to computer games? In this case I would still be a level 1 programmer. Assume you really understood all the contents of the "bible", would you then be a level 26 programmer...? And what follows next? What to do to become a real Yoda-like ruby master? :D )

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